alien encounter in rural new Hampshire 

Buenos días!

I’m gonna get right into this week's playlist — it’s centered around this song Pillow Talk by Lustt. So a very trusted source (one of the homies; @tidesofyouth) sent me this song last week. Since she sent it to me it has been on repeat and I cannot get it out of my head. 

alien encounter in rural new Hampshire 

Pillow Talk by Lustt — I love this song, but my absolute favorite part is how she sings these lines “You can't find love on a one way street // It takes two to tangle // takes two to even compete.”
Manipulating the Whores of the Glendale Wells Fargo Cabaret 
by Part Time — I think this is one of the wildest song names I’ve ever come across.
by Susana Estrada — This song I think fully encapsulates who Susana Estrada is
Too Many Drugs 
by Rigoberta Bandini — Don’t ya’ hate when there’s too many drugs y muy poco espíritu?
Yes Sir, I Can Boogie by Baccara — This song was written by a sagittarius and a libra. I think you can tell.
I Feel Love - 12” Version 
by Donna Summer — This is the only version of this song that you need to listen to.
High-Flying by Hiromasa Suzuki — Technically not disco more jazz than anything. But it fits with this playlist. This song is from the album High-Flying, which I hope to own one day and also recommend if you like jazz.
Mother Nature’s Bitch by Okay Kaya — From the album Watch This Liquor Pour Itself (fully recommend listening to it). I was obsessed with this song too when I first heard it way back when.
Wonderful Offer by Essential Logic— Feels like a polyamorous / ethical non-monogamous anthem
Veronica’s House of Tarot by Psychic Mirrors— What would you like, the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious?
Follow Me by Amanda Lear — If the Hellraiser franchise was less goth and more disco — it would be this song.
Where Is My Man by Eartha Kitt

Happy listening!


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March the 3rd... Gay boy


The club is bumping….